
2021 Grant for Skyline Middle School

Trout in the Classroom - Raise and Release

Ben Bailey, Skyline Middle School, funded in 2021

This program will teach students about and expose them to the lifecycle of the Brook Trout through lessons on cells up to local ecology, while increasing student interest in conservation. In partnership with Trout Unlimited in the fall of each year, the program sends 200 Brook Trout eggs to hatch in an aquarium. Then in the spring of each year and with the guidance of the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources, the small fry will be released into a locally stocked trout stream within the County. Through the process of hatching the eggs and raising the fry, students will have real‐life examples during the school year as they progress through these State standards. The students will utilize this project by collecting data and creating graphs, making predictions, explaining cell theory and division, structural organization, factors that affect the Brook Trout Ecosystems locally, adaptions the Brook Trout will need to survive in its ecosystem, what factors affect the ecosystem, and what the human impact has on the ecosystem of the local environment.

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