
2022 Grant for E. Wilson Morrison Elementary School

Personality and Power

Michael Williams, E. Wilson Morrison Elementary School, funded in 2022

The goal of this program is to assist underserved 4th and 5th Grade students throughout the 2022‐23 School Year to understand their strengths and weaknesses, and to promote trust among these students with one another, while tracking their success as they progress throughout the school year and onto the next grade level. The ethos behind this program is to target/help 4th and 5th grade students, specifically at E. Wilson Morrison Elementary School, in the areas of growth, maturity and leadership, while identifying their personality strengths and weaknesses. This targeted group (approximately 50 students) will engage in weekly activities to enhance and maximize their maturity, growth, and ability to empathize with others, and the process will better help provide a rubric for each student to see where they can positively affect their own lives as they progress through school and life.

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